Anniversary shows available?

Does Antenna-TV have access to any of the anniversary shows that NBC showed in the 1970s? I'm wondering because on last night's rerun (from January 1, 1975), Carson and McMahon joke about it being only 25 years away from 2000, and wonder if they'll still be doing the show then. Ed chortles about wheeling Johnny out in a wheelchair, while Carson protests that he'll still be pretty young then. Then he mentions a skit they did on the show about that very thing--doing the show in the
year 2000, with Ed and Johnny made up to look extremely old, Ed asking Johnny "How cold was it?" and Johnny forgetting the punch line, and Johnny ending his monologue with his trademark golf swing, only to fall over onto the floor as he swings away. Carson talks about this skit as if it were some long-lost film clip
from the early days of the show (from which most of the shows were erased/destroyed). Yet I remember seeing this very clip from one of the anniversary shows (either 1973 or 1974, not long before this 1975 show). It would be nice if Antenna-TV could dig up one of these anniversary clip shows.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!

