Question about the early episodes.
Ok I have seen all the color episodes and Love the Saint, but I know that Claude Eustis Teal chases him believing him to be a thief and that The Saint used to leave his mark of the stick man saint behind, but what I don't know is what do the black and white episodes tell us. I can't find them for sale anywhere.
So my question is, Was Simon Templer a thief before he changed his mind and helped the little people and stole form the baddies instead? Or do they never really go into it? I mean there must be a reason, but with out seeing the B&W episodes I feel a bit lost.
I have seen the movie that suggests that he was a thief, but from what I can tell they really changed a lot of the story of the Saint. But was that a truthful starting point for the movie? It makes me wonder that if the movie ever had a Saint 2 that it would be more like the Saint we all know.
Anyway any help would be great. Thanks