While surfing the web, I came upon this website with an article blasting Scooby-Doo as Satanic and seducing children to the occult. They even say that the Bible teaches that only donkeys can talk and any other animal that does is possesed and should be killed. So does that make Goliath a devil, too?
Before people start attacking me with flamethrowers, let me say this: I am not a Christian and therefore don't know if this is true, as I have scarcely ever studied the Bible in full. I also haven't seen all of the Davey and Goliath episodes either. So if it's all bull, I apologize in advance to those I have offended.
This isn't something I'm taking too seriously, but it's just a little paradox that's been making me wonder for some time now. Thanks, people. <3
The people who made "Davey and Goliath" are not the same people who said Scooby-Doo is blasphemous. Obviously the two groups have a different point of view.
Christians don't all think alike any more than any other group.
People choose to be religious, and further, some choose to proselytize. Ethnicity and Sex orientation are not. Religion is a divisive issue. The other two shouldn't be. Live and let live. It's when people feel the need to defend their religion is when things get ugly. I don't care if people are religious, but they seem to.
I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.
You will find that generally anything that gathers mass appeal will end up being targeted by some hate group; be it steam rollers running over Tickle Me Elmo or allegations that Little Red Riding Hood is sending the wrong message because she was taking wine to her grandmother (swear to God, heard that one on the news. No idea what LRRH stories that fanatic or the NEWSPEOPLE had read, but I never read that one.)
Even more bothersome than some religious fanatical behavior is when SOMEONE ELSE makes the allegation.
Not aimed at you personally, but more at whatever site this is you are looking at.
I grew up in a devout religious denomination, as I describe it, they were one step away from the snake-handlers, so I've heard what is 'against God' and what is okay (bless their hearts).
The talking donkey was with Namaan, I believe, or was it Balaam. Always confused those two.
Be that as it may, are the people who put up this site aware that both Goliath and Scooby Doo ARENT REAL?
They can't be killed or stoned or anything else.
They don't exist!
"Oh, so it is sending a false message to kids."
I'm 41, grew up on Scooby Doo, and I know dogs cant talk.
This all reminds me of when a representative from Jerry Falwell's church or organization said that the purple teletubbie was gay because he carried a purse and the triangle was a gay symbol (whaddevuh) and the Today show had Falwell on there and Katie Couric was ready to spit nails at the man and he kept saying over and over that it was a representative of his parish who made the allegation and if it were true, it should be checked out, and Katie was ready to crucify Falwell because she felt he was making false allegations.
She pretty much had her mind made up before the man even came on the show.
Now I would take as much credibility in a website saying it is affiliated with some denomination as I would a quote in People magazine.
Do a google of the church, of the religion, whatever, but don't hearken to this one site.
I've heard more cockeyed insinuations about what fundamentalist churches believe than I have actually heard anything so ludicrous within the building itself.
Most of what I have come to understand about the religion I am familiar with, their take was if they didnt like it, then it was against God, and Scooby Doo, Davey and Goliath, teletubbies, NONE of that fell under their category of beliefs.
Now if a man in a suit before a congregation wants to preach about the immorality and abomination against God almighty that is depicted in a Scooby Doo cartoon, all I would do is pray 'God, give me strength and show me the way' but my mind would be made up as to what I believe will get me to Heaven.
Denouncing Scooby Doo aint it and believing in Scooby Doo aint it.
raybeckm: "Almost seems like religion is the root of all evil...Fanatics of all religions are really scarey people." ---------------------------------------------------------------
Religious doctrine is hardly the 'root of all evil'. I would say that the interpretation is by far the greater sin.
There is a Bible story dealing with people who think they are so blessed by God, they are able to thumb their noses at those who they determine aren't as blessed, and the wrong in this action is pointed out.
As to religious people being scary, they are no more frightening than those who resort to any kind of dialogue of 'what harm can it do? Everybody is doing it.' or when you hear reviews about movies or musicians with the caption '50,000 fans can't be wrong!'
The intimidation behind saying if I am not completely interested in a topic covered on People magazine or Entertainment Tonight, then "I must be living under a rock, or there is something wrong with me" is truthfully just as difficult to contend with as any "God disapproves of your actions".
Bear in mind, I've got nothing against religious people. I said religious FANATICS frighten me (not religious people...there is a huge difference). Throughout history (and up to this very day) religious fanaticism has cost thousands upon thousands of human lives. If that is not evil, what is? I agree that the interpretation is the greater sin. Unfortubately, interpretation has cost thousands upon thousands of human lives throughout history (right up to this very day). It's sad, the evil that man will commit, all in the name of God. But what do I know, I'm going to hell because I haven't been saved, nor do I attend services on a regular basis...pretty screwed up belief system if you ask me.
raybeckm: "Bear in mind, I've got nothing against religious people. I said religious FANATICS frighten me (not religious people...there is a huge difference). Throughout history (and up to this very day) religious fanaticism has cost thousands upon thousands of human lives. If that is not evil, what is? I agree that the interpretation is the greater sin. Unfortubately, interpretation has cost thousands upon thousands of human lives throughout history (right up to this very day). It's sad, the evil that man will commit, all in the name of God. But what do I know, I'm going to hell because I haven't been saved, nor do I attend services on a regular basis...pretty screwed up belief system if you ask me." --------------------------------------------------
Well, unless you are being sarcastic, then the belief that you are going to hell because you aren't saved is YOUR belief.
If you want to insist it is what others believe, then Im afraid I was never taught in any Sunday school class that others beliefs will dictate our destinies in the after life, only our own belief or failure of such can designate that.
Already in the news, a Wal Mart worker in NY was killed by eager shoppers. This involved no religion, but it did involve encouraging people to give way to all maturity and act like greedy little children over sales.
What about the soccer game riots? No religion involved there.
The '78 Cincinnati Who concert in which fans were killed? Where was the religion?
Charles Manson did a very interesting interpretation of Revelations Chapter 9 to endorse his bidding to his followers. Are you blaming religion for that?
As you yourself said, the war and evil are done BY MAN in the name of religion.
At my job, in the past three years, I have worked alongside a lesbian who was just released from jail a week earlier for drug possession, a wife beater (this came out after he was gone) and a young man who chose to worship and preach and sing gospel while he worked.
"People like that bother me," I was told about the third one, the holy roller.
I didn't find any of them to be difficult to get along with.
This would bother me. Having to listen to someone else's preoccupations would bug me. Keep it light and about work. And I'm with the guy who says religion has cost more lives than anything else. Bringing up specific instances where you feel it didn't doesn't change that. Thw World Trade Center is a perfect current example of this.
I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America is merely a pietic front for the political left.
If you believe that Barack Obama is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, approve of homosexuality, the "right" to kill your own children, hate people who have more than you and every person who is not a Democrat or Marxist, then you are membership material for them.
That's what I "hate" about republicans. They stir up garbage by saying all these decent progressive people hate this or hate that. Your Obama comment is ludicrous beyond belief. No one feels that way about him. Women will have abortions whether they are safe or not -- better to have them safe. Democrats far more then repubs are quiet, thoughtful, peaceful people who don't spread fake news and make inflammatory remarks. The right just wants to win to have power, the Left is looking to make a better world for everyone.
I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.