Fox 'unlocks' WSS for remake, at the behest of an interested Spielberg.
Here's the link
I am not happy to hear even a rumour at this stage, that a remake of West Side Story is in the works, be it Spielberg directing or whoever. For two main reasons; Firstly it's a very important film to me personally, and secondly, because I feel a line should be drawn in the sand with regards to remakes, especially in the case of films generally recognised by the history of popular culture as masterpieces of modern cinema. What's next? The Godfather?
If i felt there was enough opposition to this remake, I would like to quickly throw together a FB page, where 'liking' or 'joining' it would symbolise an individual's pledge to not see it (or at best, not spend money to see it.) But, reading some posts here, I can see that a lot of people would like to see it, or are open to the possibility of a remake.
Could I please get a quick show of hands here, who would be interested in this idea, bearing in mind that my arguments against would be more detailed on the actual page. Or if you think I'm being too precious and need to get out more, let me know that too!