Again, due to my intense love for the film West Side Story, it's tough for me to pick out any actual favorite scenes in this great classic, but there are certain scenes that stand out (for me, anyhow), and are sort of pillars for this film.
I really like the opening scenes/Prologue a great deal, with the birds' eye view of Manhattan's West Side, moving in gradually to zero in on the finger-snapping Jets on the playground.
The Dance at the Gym and America were also great scenes, as was the Cool scene, all of which reveal the dancing at its fullest, and how expressive the actors/actresses in the film West Side Story really are.
The scenes where Anybodys attempts to get accepted as an equal by the Jets gang, and finally does, by asserting herself.
The scene where Tony and Maria have their mock wedding at the Bridal Shop. That was sort of heartwarming.
The I Feel Pretty scene, where Maria's girlfriends, Rosalie and her other co-worker, make fun of her, for acting so vain.
I enjoyed the playground skirmishes between the Jets and Sharks, where they're all dancing, jumping and chasing each other, in the Prologue.
Likewise, the pre-Rumble Ensemble, where the Jets and Sharks assemble on separates sides of the tenement rooftop, in a bright-orange sunset backdrop, as well as their determination to "stop them once and for all" on both sides.
I like the scene where Maria's waiting on the rooftop for Tony's arrival, before she learns of Bernardo's death at the hands of Tony, not caring about anything else until she learns that Tony has knifed Bernardo to death.
I admittedly liked the Rumble itself, as well as the scene where the Jets and their girls gather together, and Ice, who's the most coolheaded among the Jets, ultimately takes over the Jet gang leadership after Riff's death at the Rumble.
Anybodys, who runs up to the Jets and the girls (who first dismiss her as a freak) with "Ahhh..what's the freak know?"), tells them she's been spying around, and has heard something about Tony and Bernardo's sister, and about how Chino is gunning for Tony. When Ice assigns everybody to spread out in different places, but seems to leave out Anybodys, she asks "Hey! What about me?"
Ice: "You! In and out of the shadows. Maybe You'll find Tony in one of them.
Anybodys: "Right, Daddy-o!"
The scene where Anybodys finds Tony, warns him about Chino, and sends him over to Doc's to hide out in his basement.
I also like the following scene, and the interaction between Ice and Anybodys:
Ice: (to Anybodys): Hey! Ya done good, buddy-boy!"
Anybodys: (getting all dreamy-eyed): "Thanks Daddy-o!"
I like the scene where Doc comes in, sees what the Jets have attempted to do to Anita, who's come to the Candy Store to help protect Tony from Chino by warning him that Chino's gunning for him, chews the Jets and Anybodys out, and throws them out of the Candy Store.
The end, where there's a hint of reconciliation between the Jets and Sharks as several guys from both gangs come together and carry Tony's body off after he was shot by Chino.