... crotch shots ...

Did anyone else notice this... ?

I get that the downward camera angles were supposed to emphasize the Jet's menacing gang 'snapping' as they exit from the alley and from the tunnel, during the opening number. However I found it rather interesting that both angles seemed to zoom in more on the guys' crotches than their actual snapping. Even for censoring.



Nope. Not me!


Perhaps I did look far too much into it 😳



Well Jerome Robbins was gay and he did direct the dance numbers so you might have something there :)


I am no homophobe...several good old friends in the LGBT community.
But if I were one of those Jets and realized where the camera was pointed, I would have been creeped out. And I'm sure those actors were aware...they were doing their job for the scene. But I still would have been creeped out.


Nah - he got the upside...I got the downside. See, there's two sides to every schwartz


Well some of the actors playing the Sharks and Jets were gay so it probably wasn't a big deal. Also they all had dancing belts under their clothes so they were "protected" :)


Love dem male 'chastity belts' :))



Oh me too :)


I'm going to have to watch it this again and look for these shots!

But'Cha Are, Blanche! Ya'Are In That Chair!


What's funny is that I've always failed to notice the crotch shots, even though I've seen the film West Side Story many times!


You watched this and this is your take away?! Really

May I suggest that you. Ah never mind


I've always heard the stupid question is that which wasn't asked

Until I heard yours

Yours is a truly stupid question


There was a whole gay undercurrent going on. All the action in the film were basically filtered through a gay lens. Of course, lyricist Stephen Sondheim was gay, as was choreographer Jerome Robbins, as someone pointed out above.

There are other clues - check out the introduction to the song "America" - Rita Moreno says archly: "smoke on your pipe and put THAT IN!" As she says points a finger, then twists backwards so the finger points upwards - a taunt about gay sex, oral and anal - it's pure genius and the best moment of the film, to my mind.
