It seems the remake in development is a self indulgent project by Steven Spielberg that will white wash the title role (the three women in contention for Maria are all white, blue eyed, and blonde haired [at least naturally]).
I'm not worried about the women who are in contention for the part of Maria in Spielberg's desired re-make of the film
West Side Story.What does concern me, however, is that Steve Spielberg insists on showing his affection for
West Side Story by messing with a classic, when it really should be left alone!
Moreover, tobyfathom, you're absolutely spot-on when you say that the remake of West Side Story by Spielberg in development is a self-indulgent project that will white-wash every single thing about it...and make a total piece of junky, cheap, and cheesy hip-hop rap film out of a beautiful classic.
Steve Spielberg, if you're listening, I suggest that you pull the plug on your plans to re-make the film
West Side Story while you're behind.
Don't do it! Thanks.