Peter Lorre

is hilarious in this. He has such a misshapen little body, they can't even fit him into a normal uniform.


Lorre was a very sick man, with many physical ailments, and would be dead within three years. This accounts for his "misshapen little body". Sorry his appearance bothers you so much that you find him "hilarious".

I happen to think he looked fine in his uniform. And as always, he turned in a great performance.


No, actually I liked his performance. He brought a bit of comic relief.


He did, but balanced with a solid dramatic performance which may have been more than the film deserved. A terrific, versatile talent, far too often wasted on bad roles or weak films.


It was very nice to see Peter Lorre play a good guy for a change.

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!


Peter Lorre is hilarious in this

I agree... he provided some wonderful comic relief at various parts of the movie. I especially liked the part where he was in sick bay, calmly smoking a cigarette with one hand while the doctor worked on his other, injured hand - injured because his shark, Bessie, bit it! lol

Admiral Nelson: Lucius, what happened to you?!
Lucius: Oh, nothing. Got too close to one of my sharks. You know Bessie!

Don't mess with me, man! I know karate, judo, ju-jitsu..... and several other Japanese words.
