I realise that this is an old thread, but thought you might like the following information. I watched part of the filming when I was a kid growing up in Ancoats. I distinctly remember the scene near the waterfall which is on the river near Cambrian st, still there in Manchester. The opening scenes are of Oldfield Rd in Salford and then Albert Square. The scene of kids playing football is of my old school, St Ann's again off Cambrian St. There is a canal scene, not Manchester Ship Canal, which is of the top of the Rochdale/ Ashton and Peak forest canal at Pollard St/ Gt Ancoats st. The school playground scene of girls is a school, long gone which bordered Barmouth St with Bradford pit winding engine towering in the background. Most has all disappeared now, sadly, but we have to move on I suppose. love this film, one of my favourites, especially as this is where I was brought up, some may say dragged.
Hope that this helps.
Best Regards,