MovieChat Forums > A Taste of Honey (1962) Discussion > When, oh when, will this movie be releas...

When, oh when, will this movie be released?

A Taste of Honey is one of my favorite films, but I haven't been able to see it since I was a teenager as it hasn't been released on DVD and was only on a very limited VHS release years ago. So many lesser films have been released, but not this one. Does anyone know anything about who owns the rights, so I can phone them up an hassle them to release it?!


This film IS available on both Video and DVD.

Click the merchandising link on the main page.



But it's EXPENSIVE as hell!!! Somehow, I gotta get it. It's one of my all time favs!

"If I HAVE to, I WILL"
my grandma-


You are right. It has been released in both formats, in Britain, which has different video formats from the U.S. You have to have different equipment. I would love to just catch it and tape it off some cable channel, but there seems to be a conspiracy against classic film viewers on TV too. It is pretty hard to see a film made before the 1980s, and even harder still to see older British films. So many channels, so little real choice.



You've got TCM, AMC, and PBS stations that have their own movie shows, that would show a movie like A Taste Of Honey. If you want, you can write TCM and ask that they show A Taste Of Honey on their Sunday night foreign film show, and they probably will show it.


I bought it from HMV in January, it cost me £19.99 but is worth it.


It's true theres no way you can get this new in the U.S.
Amazon has the VHS listed as out of print and you can only buy it used, and the people selling it are listing it for $35. I've been looking to get it cheaper on eBay for awhile. Hopefully it will be released on DVD in the U.S. for Region 1 players sometime. I've never seen it before but I've read the play and I love it.


Are multi-region dvd players not so common in the US as they are here in the UK?


Good point - if you're in the UK and your player is not multi-region, small children will point and laught at you in the street.


Americans are famous for their insularity. The reason that multi-region DVD players are almost universal in Britain whilst being virtually unknown in America is that Europeans are interested in the world whilst Americans are interested only in America. Few Americans wish to see non-Hollywood films. In any case films made outside America now have to be Americanised to stand a chance of earning American box office receipts. This is why Andie McDowell is in "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and Jamie Lee Curtis in "A Fish Called Wanda" ...both films ostensibly about English people, but actually about the American idea of English people. This sort of thing has been going on for quite a long time. Think of Shelly Winters in "Alfie" or even Paul Douglas in "The Maggie". Films about British events must be provided with some kind of spurious American "angle". Thus, in "The Great Escape" two of the three stars, Steve McQueen and James Garner, are American. In fact no American took part in the real escape which took place in March 1944. Where some non-American character has to be portrayed favourably in an American film (a rare occurrance) they are simply played as Americans by American actors ...e.g. Burt Lancaster in "The Train" or Madonna in "Evita". It's not that I am anti-American fact I am married to an American... but this sort of thing can get on your nerves.


(reply to sdowle) ...and some of your best friends are Americans?

I'm not about to jump to the defense of American tastes, but I always thought that Europeans have multi-region DVD players because they're so interested in watching our crappy American Hollywood movies with less difficulty. Just like the unhealthy fascination with our crappy American TV shows that seem so popular world wide.

I presume that (like me) many Americans are pining for US-region 1 DVD releases of international films and older American stuff because (like me) they can't abide what's currently available in American theaters and on American television.

It's true that multi-region players are generally unknown here, and can be hard to find, though generally inexpensive. (and generally shoddily made)

What can prove very expensive is trying to purchase exotic region DVDs that won't play on conventional US players. Much more economical to find out if it's available in a domestic US version.

As to your rant about American actors in British movies, I can sympathize, but I don't really want to pull that thread, as- -

A) It seems to be a sore point, and

B) I came here seeking clues as to whether 'A Taste of Honey' might become available on DVD in the US.


I'd love to see it, and I hope to someday find it on (good ol' insular flag-wavin') US-region 1.
Love Rita Tushingham. Just watched her this morning in 'The Leather Boys', and just a moment ago found out that my US-region 1 DVD copy is now out of print here.

Harumph. That doesn't bode well...


well said, incrowd. sounds like somebody is pretty bitter towards americans. in any event--let's stick to this wonderful movie. i first saw it on a local late night TV station when i was quite young and it really had an impact on me as a young girl. i have a copy of it that i taped from a public broadcasting station about 10 years ago. haven't seen it aired since. but check out a website called "TV". punch in rita tushingham's name and it will list the movies she's appearing in that's showing on TV during a particular month. for instance, in january they aired "The Guru" from 1969 on Fox Movie Channel. granted, it's not a DVD, but at least you could make a nice quality tape without commercial interruptions. perhaps "Honey" will be aired again.


Thanks for the tip, vabrrv!


I keep hearing that Americans can't play DVDs or VHS that's recorded in the PAL format. Here in Australia we use the European PAL system but we have no difficulties with playing the NTSC format ones as well.
(The only problem is when the DVT is set to record a TV show. Then NTSC won't play.)

Love is never having to say you're sober.


sorry but although there is some good news, this answer will only suit those in the UK.

You can get a copy of the dvd free with the Sunday Torygraph sorry Telegraph this weekend (and Saturday Night, Sunday Morning in the Saturday paper tomorrow)

Just to rub salt in the wound, do US newspapers give away lots of dvds as the UK papers are doing at the moment? Some quality films too!



As this film is currently rated "15", what is the legal position of those people who send their children down to the newsagents to buy the morning paper? Could the newsagent be prosecuted for selling to underage customers in the same way as video stores?


Well, those certificates are only a legal nicety, aren't they? Particualrly with films like this one - I saw a twelve recently that had someone being disembowelled.

It's a while since I saw this film, but I suspect this cerificate is more to do with the homosexuality and interracial relationships, discussion of which was taboo in the sixties but commonplace now.


RE:-"What is the legal position of those people who send their children down to the newsagents to buy the newspapers"

Newsagents are pre-warned by the wholesalers a couple of days beforehand that a newspaper will be giving away a DVD with a '15' classification and the legal limitations, so even if children are sent to purchase these papers they won't get served.

Remember,you don't have to be smart if you can pretend to be someone else who is...


You can buy this film on DVd from the BFI


Well, I finally broke down and bought the Region 2 DVD from and then hacked my DVD player (took only 5 minutes finding and following instructions on the Internet -- apparently not at all illegal) so that it would play. Watching it right now. Brilliant. I will definitely be buying more DVDs (kitchen-sink dramas, wacko 60s films etc.) that will probably never be released in the US.


It's on Hulu right now for free.


The print TCM showed last night, although letterbox was not perfect. Twice words were missed because of a splice and on a few occasions there was some emulsion abrasion.


I would love to see it as well. I'm surprised it's not on DVD here in the States.

"Dry your eyes baby, it's out of character."


I came to this forum to see if I could find out why it is so expensive. This was one of the best liked most seen films of that time period, along with say The Knack. I bought a perfectly good vhs of The Knack at a dollar store. Netflix is also not shelling out for it, which is riddiculous--they don't have the integrity of a library, which would value completeness.
Still you think pirates or the Chinese would come through for us.
