Question About The Corpse

If Elizabeth was alive, then who's corpse was it?


The guy was a doctor... it wouldn't have been too hard for him to get another body :)


I thought maybe they went to a cemetery and dug one out of the ground or something.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


It was either a dummy or the corpse of another, unidentified, woman. I prefer the latter interpretation, myself.

Standing there, on a road that leads to anywhere ...


I thought it was a dummy so that they could ensure that it looked just like what was intended, that Elizabeth had died trying to get out of the sealed coffin. It'd be kind of hard to get that effect with a real corpse, wouldn't it?

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


More than likely, unfortunately as it is, whatever person that was in the crypt was evidently buried alive. This also having to be a person that had a similar appearance to Elizabeth. Otherwise the whole notion of deceiving Nicholas and striving to drive him as batty as a fruitcake would have been a waste of time. It's but left up to the interpreting audience to figure out where indeed the surogate Elizabeth came from.


Someone else's or fake, never explained.
