MovieChat Forums > Pit and the Pendulum (1961) Discussion > Problem with the ending + her remaining ...

Problem with the ending + her remaining silent (spoiler!)

Sure, that's an ending for the ages, but it looks like Elizabeth's hands are free, and she could have easily ripped the cloth away and screamed as the three were leaving the dungeon. So...why didn't she?

I've thought about this and wondered if she knew she'd lose either way. Assuming that someone heard her screams, didn't think it was just a ghost and go to investigate, then what? She admits that she faked her death and was having an affair with the doctor? I've got to think that back then, there'd be harsh penalties for that kind of thing, especially if the adulterer was a woman. Maybe she decided that it was better to die in the dungeon than face an uncertain fate elsewhere? By revealing herself, surely she would waive any legal right she had to Nicholas' fortune, and her lover was dead.

I don't know, it's all speculation, and of course it's just a movie. But her hands were free and that gag didn't look tight!


Perhaps the spikes and the limited room inside the chamber prevent movement. That is the whole point of such a terrible contraption, you know. She can't move, and her mouth is bound. There are spikes just beneath the window area where her hands can be seen, so more than likely they are pinned in place, in the position of her struggle as he closed the door. You can see the spikes in the scene as we see a POV shot of Nicholas dragging her to her doom.

No one would choose such a fate on purpose. No one. Someone like her would try their best to lie themselves out of a harsh punishment, and nothing could be worse than this. Nothing.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I know this is an old thread, but I was just rewatched it and ran into this post. Her hands were right there even with her mouth, so even if the spikes were IN her arms/hands, she still should have been able to use her fingers to pull the gag out. I think *I* would have done whatever I could as long as I didn't get shut in there forever, eek! I always find it funny that she and the guy gagged on the pendulum didn't so much as TRY to scream through a little piece of cloth, lol! I stuffed a pair of (new) socks in my mouth not long ago to prove to my aunt (who sent the socks) that you can still make noise. But then again, it's just a movie. ;) And probably my fave Vincent movies.



You know, I wondered about her remaining silent but on this last viewing which was at least my third I noticed she was gagged. At some point Nicholas changed clothes and maybe during that time he got a gag and tied it over Elizabeth's mouth so she couldn't scream. Probably he either also tied her hands or they were trapped so she couldn't remove the gag. It may not be that noticeable but take a close look on a large screen with a good picture and it's there.
