80's "documentary"/short before Pit and the Pendulum
At some point during the 80s, my mum had a VHS cassette which had the Pit and the Pendulum on it but before that was maybe a 30 minute documentary of sorts about Roger Corman's films which focused on the Edgar Allan Poe stories. This then went straight into the start of the film.
I remember if was divided into short sections where Corman would talk about particular elements of these productions, one of which was titled "Assembling a Crew" - this went onto Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, Hazel Court, etc.
I can't for the life of me remember what it was called but I'd love to see it again. I've spent ages Googling and looking through Roger Corman's TV appearances on IMDB but to no avail.
It's a total longshot but does anyone remember this? I have no idea what channel it was on (presumably BB1 or BB2)