Cute things you did when you were little with 101 dalmations.......
Okay I saw a few of these on the Aladdin and Ariel boards so I thought I would start one for this. I have so many.
I am 14 now and when I turned 3 I had a 101 dalmation party and I took out all of my stuffed dalmations and said that they needed to get cake also. I made my mom cut pieces for stuffed animals.
Also when I was 4 I pretended to be Cruella De Vil by wrapping up myself in my comforter and steal the stuffed toys. Then apparantley I made her die and the dogs got free. I played this by myself, yes.
I also had many figurines and I played with them in the bathtub and one day one got sucked down the drain and I cried so much.
I also watched this movie so many times I knew all of the lines and would say them along my sister yelling at me.
I was rather odd as a child if you couldn't guess.