MovieChat Forums > Mr. Sardonicus (1961) Discussion > What happens in the ending? (asking for ...

What happens in the ending? (asking for spoilers)

Hello all,

I'm very curious to know what happens after the audience votes "thumbs down".

We know Mr S comes to an unhappy end, but how? Does the doctor cure him? Does he look normal? Is it some sort of weird plastic surgery?

Do the doctor and the girl get away?



Short answer: he starves to death.

Detailed answer: Yes, his normal face is restored but his mouth is frozen shut. He sends Krull after the doctor and Maude (who he divorced and sent away after being "cured"), and the doctor explains that the whole thing was in his mind. There was never any real cure, Sardonicus only had to believe there was, and now he only has to believe he can open his mouth. Krull returns and, as revenge for having his eye put out, says he couldn't catch them in time.
