This is one of those movies...
...where I have noticed almost every single person who loves it just simply ADORES it. They praise it repeatedly, using many long-winded verbose sentences (like that one, I guess). They also enjoy taunting anyone who does not enjoy the film, saying, "Well I guess since it doesn't have any gore or someone in a mask or great special effects or a storyline you could follow without thinking about it, you WOULD be disappointed now wouldn't you?! Hmm, yes!" Another thing lovers of this film enjoy is calling it a "classic". I have to say I'm surprised I haven't seen a "gem" drop here or there, because pretentious people defending the films they love always call them that. Maybe I just didn't read the right thread.
The thing is, lots of people watch a lot of different films, like yours truly, and just because someone does not like your precious movie The Innocents, it does not mean they don't understand what a "good" movie is, or what "scary" is, or even that they didn't understand THIS movie, it just means that they called a spade a spade: they think this film is boring and just not creepy at all. Dismount your high horses, because not everyone ever HAS to agree with you, nor will they, so you may as well get used to it. Maybe there's some underlying reason why you so vehemently defend this film anyway. Can't imagine what it is, though....