MovieChat Forums > Homicidal (1961) Discussion > Joan Marshall's charactor

Joan Marshall's charactor

So Joan Marshall played both Emaily and Warren? Is that correct?


I believe that to be correct. That includes all the early scenes with Warren, not just the scene at the end.
I thought that Joan played her 'Warren' role in an episode of "Perry Mason" but cannot find any evidence of this. Does anybody else have a similar recollection?


I wondered if they used a standin or double in some of the scenes where Warren is walking away from the camera. sometimes the walk looked convincing as a male other times glimpses of feminity.


I've thought the same thing, particularly in one scene where (with back to camera) he walks out of flower shop toward car. It almost seemed like a real guy, as opposed to the femme mannerisms (with obviously bound bustline) whenever Joan Marshall was playing him. Has anyone else noticed that Warren's nose is different from Emily's? Plus how does he manage to have guy eyebrows when hers are penciled in? Crazy flick that's fun to watch but doesn't bear very close logical scrutiny.


Hey dorks, how about putting "Spoiler" in the subject line so that you don't ruin the twist for everyone who hasn't seen the movie yet.

Elsewhere, Joan Marshall played the prosecuter in the "Court Martial" episode of Star Trek.



Dubbed by a greasy Tahitian with a musical saw, no doubt. An awful lot of talk about dubbing, but no one will ever know for sure.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


Yes, that is correct. The question remains, though- did William Castle give her two paychecks?!


Two paychecks? Surely you jest. I had to practically wrestle Bill to the floor to get ONE paycheck out of him. Bless his heart.




Anyone who has read this thread KNOWS what the twist is. I'll simply say I saw this flick when I was an innocent teen and never saw it coming. I just about did you know what in my jockey shorts when Emily performed the unveiling. I have lent the DVD to several friends and, guess what. They never suspected. Those thrillers from the '60's may look tame by today's standards, but they shocked the hell out of those of us who saw them first-run.

I still like Homicidal and have watched it several times in the past 8 years just for the fun of Emily and Helga. Which reminds me ... the head rolling down the stairs in silhouette to Ms Webster's feet was absolutely inspired to scare the audience coming as it did immediately before Emily's revelation.

Give Bill Castle a break. Perhaps not a masterpiece but a fun film, especially with the Fright Break. And don't you love his introduction as he pricks his finger on the sampler?



"Sandy n' myself r no longer engaged... or 2gether" I told u so, he's only MINE


One of the things that makes ending just a little bit more of a surprise is our own familiarity with 50s and 60s horror films and the acting styles of them. Of course Warren looks a little overly feminine; he never seems to move his face, but we just cretit it to Corman/Castel acting styles. And in the sixties, movies didn't tend to "go there" so it must have been a bit of a surprise then as well. The film could be remade and improved upon now, with makeup being more advanced these days and better screenwriters out there.


Are you implying that you are Joan Marshall/Jean Arless ???

You are apparantly speaking to us from the Grave, because she's been dead for 16 years.

You should be ashamed of yourself for mis-representing such a beautiful, talented lady....


And in the sixties, movies didn't tend to "go there" so it must have been a bit of a surprise then as well.
That's absolutely right. HOMICIDAL pulls it off because you would never dream that would be a plot in a 1961 major Hollywood studio horror film, especially one that's main audience was probably kids and teenagers. Today, people might be more suspicious and put two and two together but it probably never entered the minds of the moviegoers back then it was a possibility about who Warren was.
