It is a bad thing you're doing,a terrible bad thing.
Is it just me, or does the orphan boy Sean have more common sense than everyone else in this movie?
He repeatedly tells everyone that this Gorgojacking idea will not end well. But will anyone listen to him? Of course not!
So, after going to Nara Island to pick up her baby form McCarson(who was supposed to be babysitting while she was visiting her cousin Godzilla), she is understandably upset!!!
Well,to make a long story short(too late some of you are screaming), mommy is reunited with her baby and they go home and(I hope happily ever after)as a sequel was never made.
Now, does Sean start going around saying(I told you so to everybody and their brother)? NO, He is way too classy to do that. And that is why Sean(Vincent Miller)is the smartest member of the cast of Gorgo.