[SPOILERS!} The ending is very much like...
"Bonjour, Tistesse" (1958). I don't mean in message or meaning, I don't even mean in what happened as a whole---but I'm talking about the very last scene, in which Bergman is applying the cream to her face, zoned out and sad...that's what the young girl in BT was doing, when the movie closed. And, while I was initially very moved by the ending in BT, I then see this, and suddely, it seems stupid and cliche to me! I thought, "Hey! That's just like BT! GA should have done something different!"
In all fairness though, lots of movies have similar ends, like the classic final kiss that so many have. But, I expect that of them, so the cliche is not as disappointing. But, in this case, to go from thinking that an ending is very original to realizing that it may be just as big a cliche is a rather big let-down. Has this ever happened to any of you, or an I just being too much of a cinephile?
Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!