It took me nearly 5 years to find this movie.....
I remember I watched a bit of this movie in 2004 during December on Cinemax and I found the story pretty interesting.Although I've to say,it was so sad.I mean the Marques (that bastard) humiliating the poor beggar in front of all those rude wealthy wedding guests and being thrown into the dungeon just because he wanted to keep him as a pet for his wife.He even treated that mute servant girl like crap.Since she refused his advances and bit his hand(from what I'd watched),she then was thrown into the dungeon with the animal like beggar who had been living in there for years,he then rapes her.The next day,she woke up and the beggar stood up a little but then fell dead to the ground shortly.The servant girl was frightened by the sight so she was released.Good thing is,this time she's already got a knife in the back of her hand and stabbed the cruel Marques.That guy truly deserves it!
Later,she ran away from the castle.I don't remember the part when she was living in the woods but at least remembered that she was found almost dead laying in a pond and was rescued by this man.He then carried her away to his home and was being taken care of by him and his maid(I thought she was his wife) but then died of giving birth to a boy on Christmas day.:((I almost cried at the part)
The child was baptized and orphaned.Strange was I didn't remember him killing the animals.All I remember is, he was raised as a young lad and when he grew up,he was going to depart from the man whom adopted him as his child along with his maid.It's weird.... At first,I thought maybe what I saw on TV was just an imagination but almost everything seemed really clear in my mind like when the servant girl was being thrown into the dungeon,The Marques said to her,"I'll teach you some manners!"
I'd even given a summary about this film as I was searching for it in the I Need To Know discussion board but nobody replied.I thought this film took place in the Middle Ages but I was wrong,it was in 18th century Spain.That's why nobody knew what I was talking about.Eventually,I found it all by myself yesterday.Surprising,I didn't know that the guy who played Proximo (Reed) in "Gladiator" was the one played the orphan when he was grown up.He seemed different with the make up and the fact he was young at the time.Well anyways,all what matters is that I found it so that way I can find it in the dvd/ video stores. I can't believe that it was a werewolf movie because it didn't seem like one.....
I'm hopelessly head over heels for Christian Bale.