There was a thread discussing the reasons why Leon became a werewolf but it has disappeared. I have started a new one.
Some members suggested that the rape of Leon's mother by the beggar was the cause of his becoming a werewolf. The beggar did become strangely hairy after years in the dungeon but I think that was a red herring.
I think the sole cause of Leon's condition was his date of birth - Christmas day. The townsfolk said they keep their daughters away from boys during March each year, to avoid possible births on Jesus's birthday. They considered such births as blasphemy.
It is no coincidence that the name Leon is Noel in reverse. What do others think?
That was the main thing. That Leon was conceived by rape and born on Christmas. A rather stiff penalty, but that was the thinking among very devout Christians of the middle ages at one time.
I've also heard that Leon was cursed because his spirit or soul was very weak as the result of his cursed conception. Because his soul was weak, an Animal Like spirit was able to enter and fight for domination of the body. If you notice throughout the movie, the stress is that Love will strengthen his human spirit and keep the animal spirit under control. So when he's a child, his adoptive father keeps him safe and shows him love which controls the beast for a while. It's when he becomes an adult, leaves home and ventures out into an unfriendly world, that the beast becomes dominant again. When he finds Love in a woman, her companionship can keep it under control. Remember the time that she spent all night at his side and he didn't change. The tragedy was that all he had to do was live a life with her and he wouldn't change again. Of course he had to be separated from her, the Beast emerges and he has to be killed to be stopped.
So it boils down to a Human Spirit weakened by a cursed conception and birth being subdued by the Spirit of the Beast. I always thought this was a very interesting and somewhat unique treatment of the werewolf legend. It's also a metaphor for how somebody can be abandoned or orphaned and a cruel and unfriendly world can sometimes turn that certain person violent. Love can sometimes conquer, but not always as this story illustrates.
I also read in a book somewhere that, not only was Leon cursed by being born on "the same day and the same hour as our Lord", but the original script called for the servant girl to be raped by a priest. The League of American Decency, or some such organization had a fit about that and they had her raped by a beggar in a prison instead. Never thought about the name Leon being Noel backwards. Interesting take.
Not sure about the Hammer script, but I understand that in the original novel ("The Werewolf of Paris") the child (there called Bertrand) was indeed a priest's son.
The setting was moved to Spain because Hammer had Spanish sets left over from the unmade movie "The Inquisitor". I suppose having abandoned one movie because of the Church's objections, they decided to tread carefully.
____________________________ "An inglorious peace is better than a dishonourable war" ~ John Adams
To Sammy2k "nurse was trying to make his mother go into labour."
That scene was a bit strange. You would think that with the mother's guardian standing over her, that the nurse was given protection charm movements to the mother and child. I think that this might have been the case. I suppose neither the guardian or the nurse would want to interfere with the natural timing of the birth. As religious people then would have thought that it was God's will if the baby was born on Christmas Day or not.
The explanation is given by the priest to Leon's father. If the soul is weak due to some condition or circumstance of birth (in this case, a rape) then some malevolent spirit , such as the wolf, can enter the body at birth ( thus the small howl of a wolf...proceeding the baby's crying ). The priest then goes on to say that certain conditions such as despair or solitude allows the beast to emerge.....however those conditions can be remedied by fellowship and love....restraining the wolf. It truly is a wonderfully insightful metaphor to what can produce the beast in all well as the remedy to that It is one of Hammer's best.
I've heard that in the script, the beggar was explicitly shown to be a werewolf. Someone complained and the sequence was changed into what it is now. Regarding the beggar as a lycanthrope because of insanity works for me, though.
strangly these days vampirism and lycanthropy are treated like a desease (caused by a virus). Acctually it takes out the scare out the fact that you are dealing with the supernatural.
Frederik is right. In an interview, Richard Wordsworth stated that his beggar character was a werewolf in the original screenplay. Hammer told him that the censor had problems with the notion of a werewolf/rapist, so out it went!
The storyline gives multiple reasons....the child of a forced sex act; born on the 25th, madman's child, born on full moon (?), born out of wedlock, born w/ hair on his palms (mother was RIGHT!!), mother died in childbirth, born w/ 'wolf' spirit, etc.....multiple choice! never thought about the 'NOEL' thing, but "LEON" means 'LION', another deadly beats!
As I was watching it I also got the sense that it was a collision of reasons... the rape of the mother, being born out of wedlock (a big thing to some folks), being born on Christmas (in the birth scene you see the wife cross herself when the midwife confirms the baby is coming)... all combined to curse Leon.
In a way it's as much about demonic possession as it is werewolves... and maybe also touches on some of the same ground as fairy tales about 'changelings'.
It certainly made for a more interesting story than the usual 'man gets bitten by werewolf, man becomes werewolf, man must be killed by silver-bearing loved one'.
Leon became a werewolf because his father was a homeless person. If a mute girl has sex with a homeless guy she will automatically have a werewolf kid. It happened to some guy on my block.
In an interview, Richard Wordsworth stated that in the original screenplay his beggar character was a werewolf. Hammer told him that the censor had problems with the notion of a werewolf/rapist, so out it went.
So I suppose when the girl was raped it caused the werewolf curse to be passed down genetically.