Alan Young is 90

It seems so hard to believe that Wilbur (Alan Young) turned 90 on Nov. 19 which was last Thursday. I really hope he has a GREAT Thanksgiving and a FANTASTIC Christmas. 1812058


A belated happy birthday! And thank you for this sweet, witty, perfect little tv show! I remember loving this show, and it is marvelous to find out that I had such good taste!

It's still a great show. The reruns they show before sunrise here have actually made morning pleasant for me---and I am NOT a morning person. I am only sorry the holidays came and left and took the wonderful Ms Hines with them. I'm sure Bamboo Harvester will help her get adjusted to her new digs.

Finding out that Mr Ed didn't end up as a plow horse somewhere before an anonymous and atrocious death is spectacular! I have been afraid to read about--- or even watch--- animal stars since I found out what happened to the Ford COumpany's cougar.

I know that scoundrels can act as if they were gods, but I have an overwhelming impression that Alan Young might actually be nearly as nice a person as Wilbur Post seemed to be. I hope so, so happy birthday and happy holidays and have many many many many more.
