MovieChat Forums > Mister Ed (1961) Discussion > Connie Hines was HOT!

Connie Hines was HOT!

As a child I watched Mr Ed and thought it was very funny. As an adult I still think it's funny, but I REALLY enjoy seeing scenes with Connie Hines ;)


yeah..she was basicly a babe



I wouldn't have minded horsing around with Mrs. Post.


She was built like a brick outhouse too.


It would seem that after Wilbur set-up a TV in the barn for Mister Ed, he would have spent more time in the house. ;-)


No joke! Ever see the episode where Carol wants a swimming pool? Damn!


Yeah, she wasn't kidding when she said she looked great in a swimsuit!


It's a shame she was just a secondary character. Gorgeous with a huge rack. Too bad she pretty much retired from acting after the show ended.


Which episode was that?


No kidding. Wilbur was way over-chicked.

"you're seeing a whole team of psychiatrists, aren't you?" Terrence Mann


I agree totally! Also, grossly underrated. She is AT LEAST as "hot" as early 1960s contemporaries Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Bridget Bardot.

Her acting style was a tad bit too melodramatic for a silly early 1960s TV sitcom, but in my opinion, that's a VERY minor quibble. I still think she was a superb casting choice, nonetheless, and I would not change that. The "Mister Ed" gig was clearly beneath Marilyn, Jayne and Bridget.

Connie Hines is age 79 at this writing (10-DEC-09) - and no-longer "hot". You definitely won't find her on FHM's (For Him Magazine) Top-100 Hotties List alongside Jenny Anniston, Jenny Hewitt, et al.

(Sigh!) Father Time is such a cruel taskmaster!

Life is such a crap-shoot. Connie should have met HEF, but that's water under the bridge.

-Your Uncle Andy

PS: Reruns of Mister Ed are available on "THIS TV Network" broadcast TV at 2AM weeknights on the USA West Coast.


More recent pics of her, from 2008 I believe. Not "hot" but still good for her age at the time before her recent death.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


This picture is so adorable! 


As an adult I still think it's funny, but I REALLY enjoy seeing scenes with Connie Hines ;) - Tom-289

Oh, my goodness. Signs that I am preparing to become a dirty old man: A couple of years ago, after not having seen Mister Ed for ages, I began watching episodes that were being aired on one of the nostalgia channels. Part of it was to see the show as an adult--but a bigger part was because I was crushing on Connie.

Definitely a cutie, and, yes, she definitely had a figure. After a while, I had to laugh at how many scenes were blocked with Connie standing in profile to the camera, the better to accentuate her, ah, twin frontal assets already enhanced by those 1960s push-up bras. That era wasn't as naive as we might think today. More on that in a minute.

One thing that I noticed is how hot Connie looked when her Carol was angry with Wilbur--something about how her eyes began to burn made her less fresh-faced and innocent and more sultry. A great example of this is at the end of "Wilbur the Masher," when Connie comes into the barn in white shorts and top and hears what she thinks is Wilbur whistling when he is not supposed to know how to, and she gets angry at being, she thinks, deceived. (That episode guest-stars Coleen Gray, who is not hard on the eyes, either.) Another example is in "Moko," which has problems with that silly Martian premise, but Connie's reaction to Joan Tabor (who, again, is not a chore to look at) is wonderful.

Yeah, any time Connie is in a bathing suit, such as the trip to Hawaii, is a treat, although she is quite memorable in her nightgown in "Love and the Single Horse," and she is also hot-looking both times she is Wilbur's assistant for his magic act ("Disappearing Horse" and especially "Ed the Shish Kebab").

Which brings us to . . .

With such a hot-looking wife in the house, why did Wilbur spend so much darned time in the barn with his horse? Granted, it was a talking horse, but even then the novelty is going to wear off some time.

Granted, this is a family sitcom from the 1960s, and there is the expectation of innocence at work here. (Still--sleeping in twin beds?) But knowing what we know now, it is interesting to consider a thing or two retrospectively.

It is generally assumed now that series creator and producer Arthur Lubin was gay. Given that, it is not hard to look at Mister Ed as a fanciful exploration of latent homosexuality, with Wilbur married to an attractive woman but choosing to spend time with his, ah, "horse." (The Posts had no children, and I do not recall Carol and Wilbur discussing them.)

Now, this may be too much subtext; this may be applying too much contemporary perspective to a sitcom from a half-century ago; and this may be a too "adult" interpretation of what was (and is) a silly family sitcom.

Yet Carol is hardly a frump--quite the opposite. And one of the running gags is Carol's complaining how her husband seems to like his horse better than her. It is possible that Lubin managed to work in themes of latency, closeting, and beards into a fanciful sitcom about a talking horse.

Whatever the case, Connie Hines looked great, anyway.

"All persons, living and dead, are purely coincidental." - Kurt Vonnegut


Yeah i agree with you about that ep Wilbur the masher, at the end when she gives Wilbur the evil eye, she had a look in her eyes that could burn through anything, made her innocent look turn super sexy ohhh!!


Also i loved the eps where she had her hair down instead of tied up, she looked sooo much better!


The episode where she and Wilbur are sitting in the same chair together, in their pajamas, watching the Charlie Chan movie, and Mr. Ed is peeking through the window... she was quite the hotness there. No wonder Mr. Ed kept trying to peek in!

Anecdotally: In a lot of shows produced by FilmWays in the 1960s, including Mr. Ed, Beverly Hillbillies, Petticoat Junction, Green Acres, etc., the more endowed actresses were almost always shown in profile. It's kind of funny to notice this now after so many years.

I'd put a stupid saying here but I won't.


I enjoyed your analysis/comments. I watched this show as a kid. And I enjoy watching it in my dotage ;-)
Alan Young did a series of interviews that are posted on YouTube.


Thank you! Can't believe that those comments were made two and a half years ago . . .

"Meretricious persiflage!" -- D.H. Lawrence


This picture is so adorable!

I agree with you. It is a great photo of both Alan and Connie.


Not only a beautiful lady, but I didn't realize until about 6 or 7 years ago that she was born in the same town as my dad...Dedham, Massachusetts! Never pictured Connie as a New Englander.


She was right up there with "Ms Landers", Beavers teacher on Leave it to Beaver. Sue Randall. But Connie Hines was delicious looking.


An ideal situation would be for Carol Post to marry Porter Ricks (Brian Kelly--now THERE'S a hottie!!), and showing off their bodies beautiful in swimsuits, playing with Flipper.
And those two annoying Ricks kids would move to the San Fernando Valley and hang out with Mr. Ed!


Never pictured Connie as a New Englander. - rhs6358

You can hear it in her voice once in a while. Not a "Hahvahd Yahd" quality, but inflections that sound like someone from the East Coast.

Definitely not a Californian, not the way she pronounces it "San FRAN CIS co." I've lived in California long enough now--we slur it together: "Snfrncisco." You wouldn't know there are two "a"'s in it. Says the guy who was born in Tronno, Canada.

"This isn't a hospital--it's an insane asylum!" - "Hot Lips" Houlihan



She wasn't gorgeous, she wasn't hot, she was cute with a big rack.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


She wasn't gorgeous, she wasn't hot, she was cute with a big rack. - jejozi

To me, that's what made her hot. All in the eye of the beholder. Your mileage may vary.

"It's such a fine line between genius and stupidity." - David St. Hubbins


I've been watching this on Antenna TV after having not seen it since its run on Nick-At-Nite back in the day...yeah, shes totally teh hotness.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Wow did she have a nice rack on her, ohhhh!!!


Such a beautiful woman, pretty face and eyes!!!


I was in love with the delightful Connie when I first started watching 'Mr Ed', when I was 10 years old (in 1961)...

....and I STILL am, today!!!


The Opener of the Way is waiting....
