Need recommendations

I briefly watched a few episodes of the Avengers when I was little and I so wanted to have the full series (all 7 seasons). However, it seems to be a big investment so I decided to pick the more famous seasons.

Any recommendations about the seasons, e.g., on this page??
Or anything that comes across your mind would be appreciated.

Thank you!



Only two complete episodes have survived from the first season with Ian Hendry, plus the first 15 minutes from the very first episode, "Hot Snow." That and the two seasons with Honor Blackman were shot on videotape, while the Diana Rigg/Linda Thorson shows were shot on film. I assume that the shows are more easily available in Britain, which means Region 2 DVDs. Living in the US, I found most of the Rigg episodes available for free rental at my local library, Anyone with a multi-region DVD player can purchase sets from Britain, prices vary (each seperate disc usually contains two or three episodes). It was Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing that led me to the series, and I liked what I saw, so I do agree that the Rigg seasons are the ones to start with, then I would suggest Linda Thorson. The earlier seasons look like a completely different show, definitely an acquired taste for the uninitiated, but at least Patrick Macnee's presence proves reassuring.

"I take pleasure in great beauty" - James Bond
