All Done With Mirrors

This is a great episode which shows how tough AND SEXY Tara King can be. Lost count the amount of fights she had and won!




I believe "All done With Mirrors" is usually Tara's favourite episode among people . It is mine , too . Had Miss King been portrayed in every episode the way she was here , that would have been great . Steed would have always taken a backseat and the show would have gone back to be as feminist as it was in the Cathy Gale days . Unfortunately things didn't go that way and soon Tara was back to spend a whole episode sleeping or being entirely replaced by a different leading lady in another one .

I believe Leigh Vance should have been kept on board to write other episodes as he was really able to write climatic and intriguing mystery/spy stories . "Black Windmill" - which he penned - is very good and has always been somewhat a favourite of mine , probably because of the presence of two of my muses , Delphine Seyrig and Janet Suzman .

Vance also wrote some good episodes of Mission : Impossible . There is a veeeery low point in his career , "Curse of The Voodoo" , one of the most abominable horror movies ever made . But that shouldn't come as a surprise , since the co-writer was Brian Clemens ..

The main problem with "All Done with Mirrors" was the crappy quality of the fight scenes : the man falling down the stairs and occasionally stopping to take the run-up was particularly laughable . But what do you expect when you have Ray Austin promoted from inept stunt arranger to director ?


I quite like the fight sequences in All Done With Mirrors, especially the one with Tara and the huge henchman which ends with him receiving a rake in the back. Funny how despite Tara's reputation, she had the very best fights of the show. The one in My Wildest Dream is a must-see.


Hi there fdp ,

I quite like the fight sequences in All Done With Mirrors, especially the one with Tara and the huge henchman which ends with him receiving a rake in the back

Oh , yeah . I have mixed feelings about that action sequence . In the first part when Tara and the thug are fighting inside the house , Linda and her opponent are obviously poorly directed to move in such a small space as he just keeps to awkwardly throw himself against the walls ans she just avoids him . Then in the garden it becomes a completely different fight scene as the two stunt doubles go at it the hard way , giving us a lot of spectacular moves . I agree that the fight scene gets a lot better here , even if it is too obvious that it is Cyd Child and not Linda doing this tough stuff ( well , this is in typical Austin style ) .

Funny how despite Tara's reputation, she had the very best fights of the show.

Yeah , Linda wasn't as athletically gifted as Honor , but she usually had the most violent and elaborated fight sequences . Plus , the stunt work in the King era was usually better than it was in this episode , usually , since Austin's replacement Joe Dunne was far more competent than him on this field .


My best friend has often told me his favorite AVENGERS girl was Tara, while his favorite WHO girls were Leela & Ace. I guess he likes "tough" girls.

After watching the Tara episodes again a few years ago, I jokingly told him, "Tara could KICK Leela's A**!!"
