
Does anyone remember which episode Mother (Patrick Newell ) used a ceiling full of hooks to move across a room?

I remember this from my childhood and I can't find it anywhere.

I bought a few of the early seasons on DVD but the latter ones are not to be found....


Hey nabicus!,

You're probably thinking of the first story that introduces the character of Mother into the series - "The Forget Me Not". In that scene, he uses his cane to lift himself out of his wheelchair and then uses holders placed above him to "swing" about.......

"The Forget Me Not" is best remembered as the final episode to feature Diana Rigg as Emma Peel and serves as the introduction for Linda Thorson as Tara King......


You can catch the late Patrick "Mother" Newell in a Sherlock Holmes television episode based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's short story, "The Resident Patient."

I believe that Mr. Newell also appeared in the film, "Young Sherlock Holmes."

I've always thought of the distinguished Mr. Newell as British television's answer to American television's own Sebastian Cabot (known as the faithful butler, Mr. French, in "Family Affair").


Thanks... you guys are the best....


Patrick Newell also appeared in the Tom Baker-Lis Sladen DOCTOR WHO story "The Android Invasion". He played a UNIT officer who was filling in for the Brigadier (mainly because they weren't able to get Nicholas Courtney).


Newell also appeared as Inspector Lestrade in the second Sherlock Holmes series produced by Sheldon Reynolds - not the ones filmed in France, with Ronald Howard (Leslie Howard's son) but the other one.

Actually it is really interesting how many Avengers actors appeared on various Sherlock episodes later. I know some by sight, if not name... Patrick Newell, the guy who was the other writer in The Winged Avenger was Inspector Lestrade, One of the actors in the Jungle episode, was Colonel Sebastian Moran - and there were at least two others that I can remember off the top of my head.


Of course, the story is that they then dismantled that ceiling (set) not realising that the Mother character was going to be brought back - I think as FMK was made quite early ?late 67.


The whole mother character sucked and ruined the Avengers .After mother came along the show became a silly joke !!
