Episode question
Which episode are these photos from?
Which episode are these photos from?
http://static.hometheaterforum.com/imgrepo/0/05/0505b39e_framingdiffer ence.jpeg
http://static.hometheaterforum.com/imgrepo/8/85/857ea692_widescreenver sion.jpeg
These are a still shot from "The Fear Merchants".
Thanks. BTW, have you noticed how much of the original negative is visible on the top photo? The image in the yellow window is the only part of what you see on television.
Oh man, a Blu-Ray release of all 83 filmed episodes, with all parts of the original negative intact, in good old 24fps, and original mono, would be a dream come true.
Well, sometimes when looking at uncropped negatives, the wider area also includes parts of the lighting, boom microphones, and the area beyond where the set ends!