Steed as wine expert

I have been searching for a Steed/Peel episode in which John Steed poses as a wine expert.
He is confronted by the villain and has to identify the vineyard...which he does & even includes which on hillside the grapes were grown.
Does anyone know the title of this episode?
Much thanks in advance for any and all assistance.


I believe you're referring to: Dial a Deadly Number (1965). Steed and Emma attend a 'wine-tasting' event in a bank wine cellar.

‘Six inches is perfectly adequate; more is vulgar!' (Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Re: An open window).


Thanks, VC. Your help is much appreciated.

I tried expanding the IMDB episode list & doing a control-F search for the word "wine", but only had one hit from season 3 [pre-Emma]....obviously not the correct one since I remembered her being in the show at the time.


This "identifying which side of the hill" thing is a comedy staple in wine-tasting scenarios. Can people actually do that?


Well, I'm far from an expert on wine but a friend once gave me a bottle of his home-grown and I could tell that it came from near his apple tree!
