Tara at her hottest!

Just rewatched My Wildest Dream, and wow I think Linda Thirson was at her hottest in this one. Her hair and clothes were sensational. After some questionable wigs and costume choices in some of the episodes prior to this one, I feel that the producers or stylists on the show finally got Tara perfect. I just can find the words, but Linda's star quality really shines through and I can see why she was chosen over so many others for the part.

Also, I have to bring special attention to her leather biker jacket she wears. That look was both youthful and badass. I think what made Tara so sexy in this episode is the mixture of super feminine mixed with badass. She looks soft and lovely in her daytime and evening wear looks with her jewelry and makeup and girly youthfulness and then she has thus edgy leather action look and really has a violent knockdown fight with an aggressive male adversary. Something about that combination is quite captivating and attractive.

I couldn't help thinking when watching, why wasn't Linda/Tara styled and showcased in this way for the rest of the season. I mean in You'll Catch Your Death, Tara looks horrible in that red suit with elastic trim and tie, and that horrible super short butch haircut. Where is the sexbomb Tara of My Wildest Dream?

My Wildest Dream is an example that Linda was perfect as Tara King, and when given a good script and styled attractively she was a top notch Avenger partner! ... And if anyone ever questions Linda's sex appeal just look at this episode and I dare anyone to say she is not sexy and hot!


I enjoyed All Done With Mirrors. First one without the wig I think. Great fight scene with the red haired man. Campy all around. Especially the explanation of how she survived the fall from the cliff.
" Well, I can swim"


Any ep where she gets knocked out and taken prisoner which seems very often.


Happened a lot in The New Avengers also.


I agree that Linda Thorson is her sexiest here. Until her revealing interview in a fanzine (around 1983), I never knew she was wearing wigs in her first several episodes. Now it is common knowledge, but when watching the shows throughout the 1970s, I could never account for the obvious change of hairstyle from the first section of Tara shows (with the shooting gallery credits, in the US), to the remainder of the season (all with the knights armor credits).

That makes me wonder, are you watching the Thorson series in production order, which is how they used to be screened when syndicated by AIP? Or in the British transmission order, which mixes everything up, so the episodes are not sequential as filmed. If in production order, then there is just one more early 'wig' show. And if in UK screening order, then it is already way out of step, being plunked down amongst the end of the show's life, as I recall. I really dislike that most (or all) stations rely on the UK transmission order these days, as her character changes and grows throughout the season, and it simply doesn't make sense shown so haphazardly.

But I DO love her appearance in MY WILDEST DREAM, especially her glitzy cocktail dress appearance at the start. This is one of the really great episodes, not just for how Tara looks, but how she acts as well.

"He likes his tea stirred anti-clockwise..."
