Haven't heard from you in a while and was wondering how you're doing. Today's the 4th of July. Screw the rebels!
We've had some horrenous rainstorms around here during the past week, but they're nothing compared to the destruction and devastation visited upon New Orleans almost a year ago.
New Orleans was a disaster waiting to happen due to many factors: the Mississippi River, the local geography, bad construction on the part of the Army Corps of Engineers, etc. You cannot evacuate that many people under any circumstances, and the Federal Emergency Magagement Agency was run by a man who had no experience beyond show horses management. Naturally Bush told him "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job." A week later he was gone. Hurricane season is here, and nobody know what will happen to New Orleans.
I spent 4-5 months in Louisiana in 1981 working as a field auditor for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC), and I couldn't stand the heat. FERC regulates our energy and pipeline companies, but that's another story.
The experience gave me material for my screenplay, but it also caused me to almost have a nervous breakdown. But that's another story.
Paul Woodall