MovieChat Forums > Swiss Family Robinson (1960) Discussion > Swiss Family Robinson Drinking Game

Swiss Family Robinson Drinking Game

I love this movie, and I'm writing a drinking game to play while watching it. This is what I have so far, but comments, additions, and suggestions are welcome!

Swiss Family Robinson (1960 Disney Movie) Drinking Game

Before you start watching the movie, take one sip of your drink in honor of Franz, the youngest son from the book who didn’t make it into the movie.
(You might want to make a toast. Something like, “Franz, we salute you even if your character was useless, dull, and expendable.”)

Take one drink/sip every time…
1. Someone is frightened by a lizard.
2. A new homemade straw hat appears on the scene.
3. Slapstick comedy is employed as a logical way to combat Malay pirates.
4. Mother says something profound that blows Father’s mind.
5. Ernst annoys Father.
6. Ernst lazes around acquiring knowledge while Fritz does hard labor.
7. Ernst acts like he’s smarter than everyone.
8. Ernst saves another brother’s life. (See Ernst isn’t totally useless.)
9. A coconut bomb explodes.
10. Francis annoys you, an audience member. (Totally subjective. Some people find him excruciatingly aggravating, but I’ve learned to accept and even admire him over the years. If you find him irritating, you can drink to dull the pain.)
11. A belly button makes it past Walt Disney and onto the big screen.
12. Francis ruins Christmas by suggesting that his siblings have probably been eaten by wild animals.

Wildlife Bonus Rules
Spot an animal indigenous to Asia… 1 drink
Spot an animal indigenous to Africa… 2 drinks
Spot an animal indigenous to South America and/or the Caribbean… 3 drinks
Spot an animal indigenous to North America, Antarctica, or Australia… 4 drinks (just kidding, you’ll have to read the book to encounter grizzly bears, penguins, and kangaroos.)

If a person rides a mammal, take 1 drink.
If a person rides on a reptile, take 2 drinks.
If a person rides on a bird, take 3 drinks.
If an (non-human) animal rides on the back of another animal, take 4 drinks.


Very funny!


wahhaha. That made my day. GENIUS. I love you imdb person.

-'All penguins want to be dominated.'


you must have the most mundane social life ever. Briliant film yes, but drinking games based on it!!?? thant is dull


Francis annoys the hell out of me so I was playing this game well before it was posted.

I cringe everytime I hear the 'Well, he got his tiger' line.


ha ha thats heaps funny dude, as is the drinking game

"To the resevoir...yes yes" - Eric Forman


Hahahaha, oh if only I drank!

Live, live, live! Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!


10. Francis annoys you, an audience member. (Totally subjective. Some people find him excruciatingly aggravating, but I’ve learned to accept and even admire him over the years. If you find him irritating, you can drink to dull the pain.)

I would be dead in the first 20 minutes of the movie if I did this...You trying to kill me? lol


13: Francis gets a new pet
14: Roberta annoys you or complains

And thanks for posting it, it's lots of fun, even if I'm only drinking soda with my friends :)



I got thoroughly crocked and was drinking ice tea.


Very clever!


I don't even drink but I so want to play this!


LOL at

11. A belly button makes it past Walt Disney and onto the big screen.

Their high-waisted pants were cringe-worthy.


Buy a copy of the book and chug another bottle.
