Funny tidbits I picked up
I loved this movie as a child and still watch it now, and now I notice funny random things in it, such as:
1. Why does the mother ask Francis to stay in his tub when they arrive at the beach at the beginning of the movie? I mean, they were all going to get out anyway, so what's the point?
2. Francis and that poor elephant. He's like "come here little fella, i'm not gonna hurt you" and then pulls a rope around its ankle super tight, possibly cutting off his leg's circulation!
3. The mother is a completely helpless scared woman. Like when the family is boarding the raft and the men all swing with the rope into the raft no problem. But when it's mother's turn, Fritz wraps it double around her hips and waist so she can swing over. she couldn't just grab the rope normally, lol.
4. I felt that the men mostly built the fancy treehouse to impress the mother. Yes, they needed a better house, but judging by their reactions, they seemed to be hoping mother would be satisfied or father will run away kicking himself silly.
5. Why didn't mother go swimming? all the guys are having a ball while she sits and holds that parasol. She could have worn an old dress that could get dirty. what a waste of time if you ask me!