NOT OT: TONIGHT, February 16, 2025 -- The 50th Anniversary Special of Saturday Night Live
First of all, WHY not OT?
Because Psycho crossed paths with Saturday Night Live at least twice:
ONE: On March 13, 1976, Anthony Perkins HOSTED Saturday Night Live. This was mid-way through the second season, when the show was really picking up steam. Chevy Chase would leave that year, and Bill Murray would come aboard and this was "appointment television."
During his hosting gig, Perkins hosted a sketch AS Norman Bates(in a nice mock-up of the motel office, complete with birds and owls) and pitched "the Norman Bates school of motel management" with questions from a sample quiz:
"Question One: A guest loses the key to her motel room Would you:
a. Give her a duplicate key
b. Let her in with your passkey
c. Hack her to death with a kitchen knife.
"Question Two: Which of the following is the most important in running a successful motel?
a. Cordial atmosphere.
b. Courteous service.
c. Hack her to death with a kitchen knife.
It was pretty funny and the thing to remember is that , in 1976, while Anthony Perkins STILL had the role of Norman Bates hanging over him, he had not yet TRULY cashed the role out and run it into the ground as he would in the 80's and early 90s with Psychos II,III and IV. There was only ONE Psycho and SNL cashed in on the film's growing popularity and availablity on TV, at college screenings, and at revival houses in the 70s.
TWO: To promote Gus Van Sant's shot by shot remake of Psycho, Big and Tall Vince Vaughn hosted. In his opening monologue, VV used that phrase ("Gus Van Sant's shot by shot remake of Psycho") and the "ghost of Alfred Hitchocck" (SNL's then-ace impressionist Darrell Hammond) sputtered "WHO's WHAT BY WHAT WHAT OF WHAT?!!"
Vaughn went on to do a sketch spoof of Psycho with the very funny Cheri Oteri(one of my favorite unsung SNLers) played some version of Mother.
SNL premiered in October of 1975, right after the Summer of Jaws, and incorporated Jaws into sketches in a funny way: with the famous music (duh-duh duh-duh, duh-duh) accompanying a paper mache "shark head" that would come through the front doors of apartment dwellers and eat them. The gag: Chevy Chase's very soft-voiced come ons through the door:
Doorbell rings:
Woman to closed door: Who is it?
Chase: Telegram...
Woman: What?
Chase: Candy gram.
And she would open the door and get ate.
And yes, around college the quietly voice phrase "telegram...candy gram" was hip for awhile. That's right. Hip. Well, we thought so.
The Exorcist also got a great sketch in season one. They converted the two exorcists at the end into African American men: host Richard Pryor as the young one and Thalmus Rasula played the old one and Laraine Newman played the possessed girl and we got this famous line
Newman(to Pryor, in devil voice): Your mother sews socks that smell! (A cleaned up line from the movie)
Pryor(suddenly enraged): What you say about my mamma?!! (Throttles girl, exorcises her.)
So yeah, Saturday Night Live in the 70's got 'em all spoofed: Jaws, The Exorcist, that order of priority and actually got Norman Bates to host one show.