MovieChat Forums > Psycho (1960) Discussion > Ultimate Movie Rankings Site

Ultimate Movie Rankings Site

The site's a bit weird but here are its two subpages most relevant to Psycho:
One interesting point, the first page provides adjusted domestic box-office figures for most Hitchcock films so that by their reckoning 24 different films had adjusted domestic grosses of over $100 million.
The second page has La Dolce Vita (1960) as the 9th best grossing film in the US in 1960, just behind the The Apartment. Can that be true? And I've seen Blow Up (1966) listed in other places as being the surprise US smash of its year, yet it's not listed at all for 1966 by UMR. Hmmm.

A couple of other links for comparison. Here's Tim Burton's UMR subpage:
This shows both adjusted domestic boxoffice and adjusted worldwide box office!
And here's an all-time domestic tix sold page:


One interesting point, the first page provides adjusted domestic box-office figures for most Hitchcock films so that by their reckoning 24 different films had adjusted domestic grosses of over $100 million.


That was pretty spectacular to view -- one could FURTHER see Hitchcock's primacy as a box office director over the decades. Topaz came in at $81 million...which is decent today...well, domestic.



Interesting lists indeed.

This entire "adjusted for inflation" analysis always seems important for me. Though it still seems skewed. Thanks to population growth over the decades, MORE PEOPLE exist to see these movies and push the gross up.

I note that while the Tim Burton list splits into "US Domestic" and "International" grosses, the Hitchcock list sticks to US domestic..which for so long was the main measurement.

Thus The Godfather, The Exorcist and Jaws were mainly tied to $100 million domestic to play in the "top grossing movie of all time' sweepstakes. International grosses simply didn't matter as much.

Now they do...but it seems to skew everything. All these billion-dollar earning movies because -- when you have theaters can make a billion even if th e lines aren't long and the houses unfilled.

Anyway, domestic numbers:

Rear Window 531 million.
Psycho 448 million.
North by Northwest: 336 million

I've always read that Rear Window was actually a bigger hit than Psycho. I'm unsure though: after 10 years "in the vaults" Rear Window had a theatrical re-release in 1983. Do THOSE earnings get in?

And North by Northwest -- an action epic to me, with two of the greatest set-pieces of all time(crop duster, Rushmore)...coudn't beat the more chair-bound Rear Window? Well, Rear Window was quite a gimmick film, quite suspenseful and -- for 1954 -- pretty "gruesome in our minds only" -- what with Lars Thorwald chopping his wife into pieces, putting her head in the hatbox and body parts in his salesman suitcase...

In the 70's: Frenzy at 130 million today.
Family plot at 113 today.



The site went down...I can't remember a thing I was going to say. longer CONT.
