Thank you, ecarle!

I just really want to say thank you to ecarle. For keeping this board alive and active (and exceptionally interesting) for so many years.

Your dedication to Psycho is not only incredible, but also extremely appreciated.

Visiting the Psycho board at IMDb has become my habit since the time the pterosaurs were flying in the sky (or so it seems) -- and you, ecarle, are one of the reasons why. But I also would like to thank everyone out there who helps keep this forum active -- and everyone who keeps reading it. I'm mostly a reader, since I don't like forcing you all to cringe at my lousy English. Last year I had to make peace with the fact that the IMDb boards no longer exist -- so everyone can imagine how happy I was one day to discover that those boards were backed up by some great people. Of course, seeing the good old Psycho board again -- as well as some familiar faces -- was a cherry on top. That's how Marion would probably feel if she got to return back to Phoenix!


Thank you very much.

I appreciate being read (occasionally), and I take personal pride in having been able to still share these pages with (alphabetically), movieghoul, swanstep, telegonus, and others here -- they, too , have continued on the traditions of imdb.

Your words are particularly welcome seeing as sometimes I'm attacked here.

I would add this: I don't think the Psycho boards would have lived as long at imdb or moviechat if it were not for the freedom given us to take up OT topics along the way. We rather use Psycho as "the magnetic north" for all movies, but without the ability to look at the year's Oscar releases or other films of other eras, I think these Psycho pages would have died out a long time ago.

Still, posting solely on Psycho is quite "do-able" here, and such recent projects as "Hitchcock," "The Moment of Psycho," "Bates Motel," "Hitchcock/Truffaut" the film; and "78/52" have demonstrated that Psycho and Hitchcock never really go away.
(Or Vertigo for that matter, its having played in American cinemplexes nationwide last week.)

Again, thank you. It means a lot.
