An Internet Movie Site that covers Psycho AND "The Late Hitchcocks"(After Psycho)
In my browsing the web for articles on Psycho and other movies to talk about, I found a page called:
"Not Playing Near a Theater Near You." Its movie webpage with an emphasis on "older movies"(starting in the 20's and hitting each decade to the early 00's) and an organizational chart that allows for some groupings not only by director(everyone from QT to Russ Meyer) but by subsets ON a director.
Thus, Hitchcock gets a section called "Late Hitchcock" which contains reviews of The Birds, Marnie, Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy, and Family Plot.
Fair enough...except this website does NOT have reviews of Strangers on a Train, North by Northwest, Rebecca, and some other Hitchcock hits. They are very picky.
As for Psycho, it is one of a handful of films(that I could see) which gets TWO reviews, by different authors. (The Birds does, too.)
I found the readings on these Hitchcock films to be interesting. Most interesting: these reviews are by young people who first encountered Hitchcock films -- AND films like Bullitt AND Chinatown AND Silence of the Lambs -- as young teenagers, usually on VHS or DVD. Folks like me who can actually recall going the theater to SEE Bullitt, Chinatown, and even Silence of the Lambs are...getting more rare all the time. I guess.
One of the Psycho essays is cool in noting how "That Scene" drove the reviewer's knowledge of Psycho for years. All he had seen was The Shower Scene in TV clips, to finally see it in the context of the entire movie and the story of Psycho was...a revelation.
I believe another reviewer says he first saw Psycho at the age of ...8. So much for "adult entertainment."