@J-No. Good replies. I guess my own interests in Horror (and in most everything else now I think about it) are so broadly historical and systematic that I find it hard to separate out the intrinsic worth of something from its importance to film history, to how a genre developed, etc..
Please criticize my selections all you want
There's not too much to criticize tho'. Everything you list is terrific (and, for example, you implicitly rate Frankenstein over Bride of Frankenstein which I very much agree with, but which is probably a minority view among professional critics). One can point to omissions - and, e.g., I *think* I'd rank at least The Ex and Texas Chain and The Innocents and Wicker Man and The Fly (1986), The Thing (1982), Eyes Without A Face (1960), and maybe Martyrs (2007) ahead of Dawn of the Dead (1979) - but really it's a longer, more inclusive list that I'd be happiest arguing for.
Perhaps you should post your top 10 on The Exorcist board if you want a bigger fight? There are certainly people out there, for example, famed British Critic Mark Kermode, who not only think that The Ex is the best horror but who further believe that it's the best film ever made.