Still no archived material
from IMDb's well-loved Psycho board!
shareThanks, swanstep. I was just adding this one to a discussion I started in general discussions about specific missing boards. Checking out my favorites now!
share@dt123. Well, I have my own archive of IMDb's Psycho board now (as well as of 40+ other boards), so *eventually* whether at or elsewhere, there is going to be some continuity somewhere...
shareNo. But the site is still relatively new, Swanstep (great to see you here), and man, if they were to archive all the stuff we wrote on the old Psycho boards that would take like five hundred pages! I wonder how much they CAN retrieve for busy film boards like that. Time will tell...
share@teleg. Good to see you here too. We'll have to see what's archiving activity comes up with. Jim the founder here seems to have some inside connections at Amazon/IMDb and he's gone very quiet in the past few days, so who knows what he's working on cooking up... A group of us, however, decided not to wait and see and insteadembraced software solutions to make our own archives with the idea that they might compliment's apparently partial efforts.
At any rate, the type of archive I and others could make privately of IMDb boards only went as far back as IMDb had publicly maintained. For Psycho that was about 140 threads (not much really), i.e., threads that had been active since mid-way through 2016. For Boards with much lower turnover than Psycho, e.g., the board for Firelight (1997), it's true that the IMDb retained almost the whole history of the board. Firelight's board had only 56 threads with the oldest last active in 2006!
Great to see your reply, Swanstep, but we've got some major troll issues on this site and they need addressing soon. I know that Jim's busy and all but they/he are everywhere, answering one another's questions, acting like naughty teens. It's very demoralizing.
shareSorry to hear about the trolls... I guess my experience so far with is that the place still feels deserted. Don't trolls need there to be lots of discussions going on for them to hijack? Or do trolls feed off each other until the crowds show up?
At any rate, it's fun and a little amazing to see the site evolve in plain sight. We've now got post editing and deleting, individual replies, and so on. There's still lot of basic functionality that's missing (e.g., still no markups for italics, bold, links, etc. in posts), and i guess that providing that sort of thing should take priority over, e.g., more complete archiving.
I'm going to try to get in here, again.
The last time, my posts pretty much disappeared before my eyes as I typed them. Who knows why?
OK. The problem seems to be over now.
This is the third of three sites where I am registered and visiting. I feel a loyalty to everyone who found us "imdb orphans" a site, so I will try to visit all three.
Each has its own strengths, but I do like the fact that this one here is constructing itself rather like imdb and MAY be where the archived posts turn up.
I have great confidence that swanstep's archives WILL turn up somewhere. And not just our vaunted Psycho board....
Complete archives of the IMDb Psycho board have now been added. Hurray.
Many thanks to Jim, the prime mover of for this upgrade (and for parallel upgrades of many, many other boards).
I know that Jim had some help setting up this place from IMDb/Amazon insiders. It now seems clear that what IMDb/Amazon should have done in the first place was not *junk* their messageboards if they didn't want to bother with them any more, but just officially *outsource* them to someone. Effectively that's what's happened anyway with only in dribs and drabs over a month or two. But if IMDb/Amazon had just thought things through they could have effected a completely smooth transition to their choice of successor system, thereby avoiding all the freakouts of the past few months and all the consequent ill will towards IMDb/Amazon.