How not to raise kids in the 60's

That movie is the reason that a lot of young boys in the 60's got beatings and scoldings.
It was encouraged back then. You didn't want your kids to turn out like those kids but
unfortunately, that is exactly what happens when you beat your kids. They become rebellious
and they never will get along with authority. They turn inward and do drugs and alcohol.


You're wrong. Permissiveness is to blame for the selfish thugs being raised today.


Amen to that!


You want to talk hitting?
My dad was a GOLDEN GLOVES boxer before WW II and he came after me like a boxer in the ring once I was a teen.

Yet since I was my own person I never did drugs or jail time.

See some stars here


Actually, what happens when kids are abused, they usually become abusers themselves, to their own children and possibly spouses. It just becomes a self-perpetuating legacy.


Smacking a kid for being smart-as* is a lot different than being abused.


True. I would never beat a kid to such extent, organs are damaged, or it causes deeply inflicted emotional scars. Light discipline and restricted boundaries to some extent are crucial . I rarely got smacked, but was prohibited from TV or playing with my friends if I misbehaved. The current mentality of wanting kids to be authentic, and parents wanting to be their friends gets on my nerves.


"...when kids are abused, they usually become abusers themselves,..."

Nonsense. This is a ridiculous cliche that, unfortunately, most people seem to believe. When I was a little kid and a teenager my dad beat the crap out of me, yet I have never hit or otherwise harmed a child (or my spouse), and never would under any circumstances. The reality is that having been abused myself made me more thoughtful about it, and very determined never to be abusive.


Boys were getting beatings and scoldings WAY before this movie came out. It was rather popular, but not nearly so popular or influential that it spawned a rash of corporal punishment in this country.

"Why are you hitting me, Daddy?"

"Because 'Please Don't Eat the Daisies'has compelled me to!"


"Victor, what are we going to do to stop this fiendish tit?"


The reason a lot of boys got beatings and scoldings way back when was because they asked for it. I should know, I was one!!!
