Gene Kelly was the best actor in this movie...
Gene Kelly made Hornbeck not only a very funny and witty person, but also a very cynical and snide critic. I know that we're supposed to be against Hornbeck, but I couldn't help but agree with his pessimism when looking at it from his view. Not to mention that Gene Kelly was such a good actor.
Hornbeck's comeuppance clearly hurt him more than anyone else' comeuppance. The scene where Drummond contemptuously tells Hornbeck that he's all alone and will go to his grave alone, the look on Hornbeck's face is truly emotional. Then the quick, desperate grasp at a joke to hide his real emotions. All well done, and it made me feel sympathetic for this lonely, inwardly tortured man pointing fingers at anyone but himself. It's fitting that he gets the last line in the movie.
Gene Kelly should have gotten the Oscar for this role.