MovieChat Forums > Inherit the Wind (1960) Discussion > This movie is NOT anti-creationist.

This movie is NOT anti-creationist.

William Jennings Brian (Matthew Harrison Brady) Is not the villain for being creationist. Clarence Darrow (Drummond) admires Brady for standing up for what he believes in. The criticism isn't not believing in evolution, the criticism is for insisting that only one idea is right and any other idea isn't allowed to be discussed. It's like Drummond tells Mencken (Hornbeck), "Matthew Brady had the same right as Bert Cates- the right to be wrong."
The real villain is Hornbeck, because he doesn't have anything to stand up for, he only has contempt for idealism of any kind.

'Normal' is a term invented by the majority as an excuse for making fun of the minority.


The problem is, science is not a democracy. Whether the religious like it or not, the question of "where we came from" is a scientific question, and thus requires a scientific answer. Idealism has no place in answering this question, that is of course unless an individual's ideology takes priority over reality, which is something that I very much see in communism.


In the final analysis, popular consensus defines our path to knowledge. In our time, science has become the definitive path. It works well for practical and theoretical applications. However, it can never answer the question of how existence came to be. Membrane theory (with its eleven dimensions) allows a decent answer for the beginning of the universe. But, what are the origins of the membranes? Whenever I ponder the existential questions of how and why we came into being I generally say to myself, "Screw it, I think I'll go fishing."


While science is not a democracy, your beliefs are always personal, and as long as there are questions that can be just as easily be answered by creationism/intelligent design, then they should be taught as well. The real issue is separating this from any particular religion, and highlighting the fact that we just don't know how square one came to be.

If you disagree with something, attack the argument , never the person .


This movie is Satanic. Evolutionists think that science is a democracy. Science is about evidence, and since there is evidence for creation and intelligent design, it should be taught in schools.


I'm sorry - You know what I hear in this post of yours? I hear "Everyone who doesn't believe the same things I do is Satanic." Therefore, your post has no credibility whatever.

'Normal' is a term invented by the majority as an excuse for making fun of the minority.


we did inherit the wind in high school, so i became aware of darwin and read his books and to my surprise is that he was a very religious man and that his theory begin to develop when he could not conceive that human beings were spontaneous. one day we were not and the next day, we were. that's all. i realized that very few people have really read him. everyone should read it.
