Serious question for bible based creationists
Firstly, I sit in the evolutionist camp. It is a theory that describes evidence that has been found. It is not a God given fact.
My question is directed to those who believe that the bible is the revealed word of God. That is, it is the reference source for your belief in a created world.
I read Genesis Chapter 1 and, given poetic licence, it is close enough to evolution. Things get created in a rational order with man and woman created last of all.
Then I read Genesis Chapter 2 and find that the man is created first, then all of the animals, lastly the woman is created. This is clearly a different version of creation to the one in the first chapter.
My problem is that, with my scientific bias, I can't get my head around how to resolve this apparent contradiction. If I pick one version over the other, the bible is no longer an undisputed reference as I can then pick and choose passages as I see fit. It is no longer God's words but only the stuff I like.
My question is, given the above - How do you resolve this apparent contradiction and use the Bible as an authoritative source for believing in creationism?
Please join this discussion with a spirit of enquiry. I would like to hear what you think in regard to my question, not what you think others think.