MovieChat Forums > Inherit the Wind (1960) Discussion > One of the all-time great double leads

One of the all-time great double leads

Ranks right behind Hoffman-Voight (Midnight Cowboy) for greatest double lead performances. Interestingly they both played the lead in 'Jeckle and Hyde' and while Tracy was very good in his (1941) March was magnificent in his version of 1932. These two rank right behind the incomparable Paul Muni among the early 1930s early film actors who established the prototype for film acting.


I agree they played off each other amazingly.


Other great "double leads":
Humphrey Bogart/Katharine Hepburn in THE AFRICAN QUEEN
Sean Connery/Michael Caine in THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING
Boris Karloff/Bela Lugosi in THE RAVEN or THE BLACK CAT
Joan Crawford/Bette Davis in WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE?
Sidney Greenstreet/Peter Lorre in THE VERDICT
Elizabeth Taylor/Richard Burton in WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?

May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?


Redford and Newman
