I agree! I grew up watching his films in the theater and at the drive-in and have loved him throughout my life. "Jason and the Argonauts" remains one of my favorite films of all time.
He was so brilliant in giving his creations distinctive personalities. CGI simply cannot do that. Of course, he trained with a master: Willis O'Brien, the man who gave us the original King Kong and Kong's son in "The Son of Kong". He also planned a number of wonderful projects. Some aren't as popular, including "The Beast of Hollow Mountain" and "The Giant Behemoth".
If you enjoy Ray Harryhausen so much, you should treat yourself to some of "Obie's" works.
I'm sure their works will outlive most of the very poor CGI being offered. There ARE some exceptions, of course, but only a few so far. Harryhausen did say that they risked failure if filmmakers didn't have a strong story in which the special effects could be used; he feared (rightly so) that the effects would come first, with no concern as to whether the story could hold up.
(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC