The Two Brides

I think the two vampire women played by Marie Devereaux and Andree Melly were so incredibly beautiful and sexy. They were just mouth-watering. I like the scene in the mill house where the Baron bites Van Helsing and the camera shifts to the two brides up on the balcony- you see a sharp intake of their breath, they're breathing heavily and their bodies are heaving as if they're in the throes of a vampire orgasm. I really like their teeth!


Interesting that although Baron Meinster looked hale and hearty, his two 'brides' had a distinctly greenish tint to their faces!

"Remind me to tell you about the time I looked into the heart of an artichoke."


what made them even funnier is the way they both hiss when Hesling throws the water at the baron


I saw Marie Devereux in other Hammer features, 1959's THE STRANGLERS OF BOMBAY (directed by Terence Fisher) and 1961's THE PIRATES OF BLODD RIVER (directed by John Gilling, and starring Christopher Lee), plus American pictures like 1963'S SHOCK CORRIDOR and 1964's THE NAKED KISS (both directed by Sam Fuller). Andree Melly played a similar character in 1964's THE HORROR OF IT ALL, a lesser Terence Fisher starring American Pat Boone in a typical horror comedy setting in England. I remember her most fondly for her appearances on THE BENNY HILL SHOW during the 1970's, still looking terrific in her thirties ("I just dropped by for a little social intercourse!")

"I take pleasure in great beauty" - James Bond


And of course, Andree Melly was the sister of the jazz musician George Melly.


But what happened to them? We last see them running through a door when the fire starts but we never find out what their fate was.

