Martita Hunt was the scariest character in it!
I saw this movie as a child several times on the late show (in the days before cable!) and on Shock Theater, which aired on Saturday afternoons. I thought then it was the best and scariest vampire film I'd ever seen but it gave me nightmares. Seeing it as an adult, I found flaws. When the village girl-turned-vampire rises from her grave, the chalky white makeup on her face visibly ends at her neck. Marianne's hair is always perfectly in place, even after running through the woods from the castle, and she is obviously wearing a switch (fake hair) on top of her head to make the "pompadour" which women wore at the turn of the century. If the Baron could turn himself into a bat, why didn't he do that and escape the chain his mother put around his ankle? Why was Greta so well dressed and neat at the beginning of the movie, and like a mad shrew at the end, her hair streaming wild and wearing what looked like a monk's brown robe?
But it's still a great movie and I'm glad to own the DVD as part of the Hammer boxed set. I always thought Martita Hunt was twice as scary as the Baron. When Marianne threw the key to the Baron from the window and turned around to find Martitia standing behind her, that was chilling!