Not much of a pirate
I don't know how Edward Teach (Blackbeard) ever managed to get far as a ship's captain when he didn't even know one ship from another.
Early on, he asks the kid how he likes this "brig," even though this ship obviously has three square-rigged masts ... whereas the brig, by definition, has only two.
Not to mention some apparent confusion on his part about his ship's name. Blackbeard keeps referring to her as the "Queen's Revenge," when its real name was- the more specific "Queen Anne's Revenge." The name referred to a rather obscure European war based on a disputed succession of monarchs.
To tell the truth, as I watch this film I suspect that the "ships" are merely models in tubs of water, since the last couple of glimpses they've given us of Blackbeard's ship showed only three square-rigged masts like any ship of the line or warship of the time, but doesn't seem to have any foresails or spanker. Hell, even little brigs usually had foresails & spankers. Models, however, may not since they don't have to actually sail or maneuver efficiently.
Still, this was an enjoyable kid's film, despite the rather cavalier attention to detail.