A little help please
I have been surfing Internet looking for a movie I saw a long time ago. I don't think it is Attack of the giant leeches, because this one I watched looked like a 70's movie. Why do I come here? Because I don't remember the name of this movie I watched, but it is also about leeches. I don't remember the plot too much but I remember there was a kind of leeches invasion in a town. People in the houses opened the water taps and instead of water they had leeches! Also there is a scene recorded in my mind where there was a couple of teenagers making love, suddenly they stopped for a moment, seconds later the girl fell off the bed and is eaten by hundreds of leeches on the floor. Christ! It was a really scary movie but I don't remember the name and I cannot find it anywhere.
Does anyone know what is the name of this movie I watched?