A little help please

I have been surfing Internet looking for a movie I saw a long time ago. I don't think it is Attack of the giant leeches, because this one I watched looked like a 70's movie. Why do I come here? Because I don't remember the name of this movie I watched, but it is also about leeches. I don't remember the plot too much but I remember there was a kind of leeches invasion in a town. People in the houses opened the water taps and instead of water they had leeches! Also there is a scene recorded in my mind where there was a couple of teenagers making love, suddenly they stopped for a moment, seconds later the girl fell off the bed and is eaten by hundreds of leeches on the floor. Christ! It was a really scary movie but I don't remember the name and I cannot find it anywhere.

Does anyone know what is the name of this movie I watched?


One that comes close is "Night of the Creeps". Once in a great while it comes on cable, but it is not on DVD. I have a feeling though you are problably thinking of a B movie normally seen on the Sci-fi channel. But if you've never seen Creeps, you have to look for it. Very well done.


Many thanks Mam13143. I will look for it. And yes, I had forgotten to say that the movie I was talking about was on TV, and it was a long time ago. Thank you again.


I'm sure i've seen the scenes you describe,but also sure it was elictrically charged killer worms,not leeches.The title escapes me,though.


I am not sure because i didn't really see this movie but you may be taking about Slither.



Thank you all for your answers. Very interesting. I have been searching. The movie probably is not "Night of the creeps" or "Slither" because they are quite recent. The movie I was talking about looked from the 70's. I checked "Squirm" here in IMDB and it seems that one. "Squirm" is from 1976 so it is closer. I should watch it to be sure.

Yes, now I am not sure if there were leeches or worms. It was definitely that kind of ugly things though. LOL.


I think the movie you are looking for is: Slugs.
They might be mutated & poisonous snails not worms and that movie is from 1987, but it looks older, almost like a TV production. There are alot of gory and slimy scenes in it. There is exactly the scene you described in there: a teenage couple is having sex on a bed, the floor is covered with hundreds of slimy black slugs, the girl somehow falls on the floor and is eaten by these critters. They eat parts of her face (nasty!) and her entire naked body is covered with slug goo.
There is also the scene with the slugs dropping out of the tap.

It's a nice creature feature. The premise is stupid, but the execution is very cool and gory.


Hey, biggtheth, I love you! Hahaha!!! You hit the nail on the head. Slugs WAS the movie I was looking for. Good grief. I thought I was never going to find it! I checked its board and yes, no doubts now.

I know it was a low-budget production and very nasty movie. Yes, it looked a lot older. I remember I had some laughs and creeps so I wanted to see this movie again.

Thank you thank you!


i just watched it on the horror channel!

sure it wasn't excellent, but it was pretty good. i love films with worms/ slugs/ leeches in. something about them makes them ideal for good horrors. i'll check out "night of the creeps" and "squirm". sound quite interesting.


In the movie "Squirm," the sheriff who refuses to believe the story about flesh-hungry worms later gets his comeuppance,finishing his spaghetti dinner and having sex with his girlfriend,unaware that the worms have left them no avenue of escape; at least they didn't die alone...
