Did I miss something or wasn´t there only one giant leech?
in scene where liz & cal are forced into the swamp, & then grabbed by giant leech[es], the humans are each grabbed by a separate leech. thus, at least 2 leeches. one's imagination suggests a huge bait bucket full of the slippery rascals.
also, multiple leeches, on-screen simultaneously, during the in-cave scene[s].
i'd love to watch a bright copy of this movie in original widescreen [maybe 1.66] aspect ratio. all prints i've seen are cropped to 1.33ar, and kinda dark & murky.
david lund
age 64yr 00mo
[email protected]
There must have been at least 3 leeches. One was shot and probably killed (not shown) early in the film and the other two that kidnapped the people in the rest of the movie.