Please List All The Episodes That have TWISTS in them
let's do that
My very favorite episode with a 'twist' was......"The Grim Reaper" starring William Shatner.
It is about a young man who goes to the home of his famous writer aunt (Natalie Schafer) to warn her of a curse on her prized painting...."The Grim Reaper".
I have written to Universal City Studios to ask that the series be placed on dvd!!!
Nobody on any of these posts has mentioned my favorite episode of the series - Waxworks. If you can guess the ending of THIS one, you're a better detective than I am.
Did you know that Alfred Hitchcock was directly responsible for Thriller's cancellation? Believe it or not, there is a NEW book on Thriller titled This Is A Thriller, which details this sorry event and many other details of the series, including comprehensive plot outlines for each episode.